Account BPC
Cargo: 25-30.000 mts in OWS opt blk MOP, 1-3 grades in chopt, +/- 35 mt each grade in chopt
Loading port: 1-2 SB at St.Petersburg , Russia, 11 m max allowed sailing draft on ”0” level
No official restrictions to call St.Petersburg.
Discharging destination: 1-3 SP at WC/EC of Malaysia and/or Indonesia
Laycan Spot, prompt, cancelling 10th of April, 2013
Loading rate: 8000 mt pwwd shinc
Discharging rates: 3000/1500 WC/EC Malaysia shex uu, 2500 mt pwwd shex uu at Indonesia,
Vessel to be geared with min 4x25 t cranes
Vessel to be max 25 yold
GCN 2,5 ADDR+1,25