COMM: 1.25 TLL (NO ADD) + 1.2% TO ASA

- max 15,000 mt bagged cement in 50kg packed in 2 mt jumpo bag

- load port: 1 sap cam pha, vietnam

- disch port: 1sbp bitung, indoneisa

- laycan: 25th - 30th april, 2013

- l/d rate: 7,000 mt pwwd shinc / 2,000 mt pwwd shex uu

- load & disch by vsl gear (need vsl gear swl 15 tons each)

- qtty to be ascertained by tally surveyor

- freight idea: invited owner best offer on fiost bss 1/1

- cargo & quantity : 6,000 mts of rice hush sf : 2.1-2.2

- load port: cai cui, can tho

- dis port : zhajiang china

- laycan 17-22 april

- loading/dis rate : 1500/1500 pwwd shinc

- freight : invite owner's best freight idea on fiost bss 1/1

- built year : less than 15 years.